Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Sea Kayak - Penn Cove

Forecasted conditions for Chuckanut led to a change in venue for today’s paddle. Instead, we made the same length trip in the calmer waters of Penn Cove. While the wind was light for most of the paddle, it increased steadily in the afternoon and we had a fairly constant 10+ kt blow on the last 40 minute leg of the trip. All in all, some good practice with boat control in wind and waves.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles

Forecasted conditions for Chuckanut led to a change in venue for today’s paddle. Instead, we made the same length trip in the calmer waters of Penn Cove. While the wind was light for most of the paddle, it increased steadily in the afternoon and we had a fairly constant 10+ kt blow on the last 40 minute leg of the trip. All in all, some good practice with boat control in wind and waves.