Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Sea Kayak - Maury Island Circumnavigation

A wonderful early winter paddle with great weather and a great group. Little wind, some sunshine and moderate temperatures.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Weather: Wind SW up to 5kt. Temperature 50 degrees. Clear skies.
    Water: waves less than 1'
    Launch: Des Moines Beach Park at 8:10am
    Distance: 16.9 nm
    Pace: 3.2 kt

This was a gift of a day for November - great weather and a great crew.
I arrived at Des Moines Beach Park at about 7:30 still in darkness. The gate was down, but pushing the button to get a ticket opened it. All were there except Adam, who arrived at about 7:45. We were all ready to go at 8:00am and after a short beach talk, we launched around 8:10am. We crossed over to Point Robinson with very little wind or wave action and then continued along the north shore of Maury. We stopped at a high bank area short of the Portage at about 9:20am to take a bio break and then pushed on to the Portage. Arrived at the Portage at 9:50am and wheeled up to get to Quartermaster Harbor. We found reasonable beached on both sides - a lot less wood than in January. Once across, we took a snack break before getting back on the water about 10:25am.
We paddled out Quartermaster Harbor and around the south end of the island in calm conditions. At about 12:15pm we stopped for lunch at the southern gravel pit. We took about 50 minutes for lunch, enjoying the view and sunshine. After lunch we paddled up to Maury Island Marine Park for a short break. Unfortunately Johann lost his glasses rolling after break. We then pushed on to Point Robinson, arriving for another short break at 14:05. After a snack we realized that there was a dead seal on the beach where we stopped that none of us had noticed. Once we launched, we took advantage of the nice clean water to do some rolling before starting on the crossing.
An uneventful crossing got us back to Des Moines around 3:30pm. Unfortunately my GPS locked up at Point Robinson during the rolling session.Capture.JPG