Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Sea Kayak - Hammersley Inlet

As usual, Hammersley did not disappoint. And we saw sea stars!!

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • TIDES: ARCADIA:12.8 @0816, -2.3@1524, 15.9@2225

    CURRENTS: LIBBY POINT (EAST END): -3.8 @ 1259, S@1626, +3.6 @ 1917,  SKOOKUM T (WEST END) -2.5@1257, S@1640, 2.6@ 2009 1




All paddlers arrived on time at Walker Park.  Based on the forecast I decided to set up a shuttle at the Arcadia boat launch so Ann and I did that, leaving her car there.  We got together directly afterwards at the water’s edge to go over charts,  water direction  and the plans for the day.  We launched approx 1145.  A large local group had launched shortly before us but we didn’t catch them.  We got to the first feature where the current was running 2+ kts to go over eddy lines, introduce and practice peel outs.  We then proceeded on down to the next point at the opening of the Mill Creek side show where we took a bio/snack break and I went over calculating ferry angles.  We then carried one out where all the students did well, safely reaching the desired location at the marker.  The feature wasn’t firing then which tells me it does best on the flood so we proceeded on straight up to the cove just east of Cape Horn, arriving a bit after max approx 1330.  We rafted up for another discussion and prep for the play time.  I stayed mostly downstream with Ann at the top of the feature as the students took turns in the dying current.   It was about 1400 when we hauled out for a 45 minutes lunch on the west side.  After practicing another crossing ferry with various results (students had chosen different landing spots) we then rode the last of the ebb into a slight headwind over to Steamboat Island.  The shoal wasn’t firing but the exposed shelf on the north end of the island had at least five sea stars on it which is very encouraging.  We then headed back to the boat launch where the students opted to use the shuttle rather than paddle back to Walker Park.  Skip stayed with the boats while Ann kindly allowed the rest of us to mess up her car on the 6.6 sm ride back to pick up our cars.  After changing in the bathrooms we drove back to Arcadia where Skip patiently waited.  We loaded up and had a post paddle discussion where no complaints were made and thanks and observations exchanged. Terry and Ann opted out of dinner at a Shelton Mexican restaurant.  All paddlers performed well with excellent group dynamics.