Trip Report
Sea Kayak - Hammersley Inlet
Overall, a beautiful day spent with seven proficient paddlers on our ride through Hammersley Inlet around Hope Island and return.
- Sat, Feb 11, 2017
- Sea Kayak - Hammersley Inlet
- Hammersley Inlet
- Sea Kayaking
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
Paddle went as expected with 1.8 to 2.8 ebbing currents through inlet and building to 1.8 flooding currents on return through Hammersley.
Our group of seven proficient paddlers departed Walker Park around 10:15 taking advantage of a 1.8 knot ebbing current. The morning was clear and sunny making our progress through Hammersley all the more enjoyable. With the current building to 2.8, the group decided to play in the currents created around Cape Horn. After approximately 20 minutes of play highlighted by Larry Wright’s non-stop rolls, we entered Pickering Passage where we were greeted with the predicted 5-8 knot winds from the south; nevertheless, the group crossed easily to the east side of Hope Island following the beach around to our lunch spot at the south end arriving at 12:30, commendable considering our playtime and a bathroom stop. Our 45 minute lunch at the picnic table was spent in good company despite building clouds from the west and temps in the 40s finally driving us back into our kayaks at 1:15. Riding a gradual but building flood up to 1.8 knots back to Walker Park, the group was graced with clear skies, placid waters back through Hammersley and continuous conversations. Overall, our strong and skilled group of paddlers spotted seals, buffleheads, kingfishers and an otter lounging on a dock to name a few. After some ice-cold rolls, most paddlers were out of their kayaks ahead of schedule at 3:00.