Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Sea Kayak - Boston Harbor Vicinity

Last of Olympia Wednesday evening/early afternoon paddles with fair weather, some clouds, beautiful sunset, blue heron, seals, eagles, sea otter and wild red and yellow breasted kayakers.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles

3:30pm Paddled  East to LittleFishtrap then Big Fishtrap.
Saw seals, blue herons, and eagles.
Returned to Boston Harbor 530pm.
No additional kayakers for second leg.
Larry and  Dewey ended their paddle and went ashore.
530pm Paddled West to Gull Harbor and back to Boston Harbor.
Everyone did at least one roll. 
Traveled total of 8.7 nautical miles, averaging 3 knots per hour moving, over 3 hours   22 minutes.
Last of Olympia Wednesday evening/early afternoon paddles with fair weather, some clouds, beautiful sunset, blue heron, seals, eagles, sea otter and wild red and yellow breasted  kayakers.