Trip Report
Protection Island
- Mon, Nov 17, 2014
- Protection Island
- Sea Kayaking
We launched from Diamond Point launch ramp where parking is very limited to parking on the street. The trip began at 10am during a slack tide and we paddled clockwise around Protection Island where we saw a stellar sea lion on the west end of the island who greeted us inquisitively. The north side of the island has undergone many slides and the burrows where many marine birds nested are all but gone. It will be interesting to see if any birds return and nest there in the spring. We saw harlquin and golden eye ducks in flight and on the water. After circumnavigating the island we headed for the lunch stop which is at Thompson Spit where there is a freshwater lagoon and to the west a DNR beach. After a lunch stop and a walk to visit Capt Thompson's gravesite we returned to the launch site at about 3pm.