Trip Report
Protection Island
- Wed, Sep 24, 2014
- Protection Island
- Sea Kayaking
Circumnavigation of Protection Island, Strait of Juan de Fuca - Launched from Sequim Bay - John Wayne Marina.
A long (~ 2mi) beach at Miller Peninsula State Park. The Creek at the State Park was used for lunch, and as a stop on the return from the island. Tide Deep Zoom.com
Tide (DeepZoom.com, ref. sta. Sequim Bay entrance) at noon 9/20/2014 was 4.6 ft and on return around 2:00 pm tide was 6.9 ft. At 6.9 ft there was still enough beach to land on. The very upper beach is gravel, but below that is rounded cobble 6 in. minus. At very high tide you could still land at the creek, but in big waves could be challenging. At the west end of the Miller Peninsula, but before the spit at Sequim Bay is a county park with another beach access – not sure about carrying boats for launch there. Also there is another boat launch at Diamond Point (east of the State Park). At Protection Island – west end (Kanem Pt) is a long spit, covered at high tide – it had breaking waves allowing some surfing – however the gravel has embedded cobbles – so care is needed. The break can be easily avoided for sea kayaking. Groups of Harbor Seals were observed at the at Kanem Pt and Violet Pt (east end of Is.). 200 yd buffer was maintained on the paddle - JW