Trip Report
Mystery, Fricaba & Hal Foss
- Wed, Jun 25, 2014
- Deception, Mystery, Fricaba & Hal Foss
- Climbing & Scrambling
This was a one way clockwise loop traverse that started and ended at the Upper Dungeness trailhead by way of Boulder Shelter, Constance Pass, Sunnybrook Meadows, Del Monte Ridge, East Col of Mystery, Deception Basin, and Royal Basin. Due to our large party size (10), distance/elevation traveled, transitions from overnight to day packs, and loose rock, we did not summit Mt Mystery or Mt Deception. We camped at Sunnybrook Meadows and Deception Basin.
I'm not sure I'll be returning to Mt Mystery due to its very rotten rock. If I did it sounds like the ranger we talked to preferred using the snow slopes on the SE side which you can see in this photo:
However this photo from the Piro's Spire Ridge gives an appreciation for the complexity of Mt Mystery:
I would like to return to Mt Deception as the rock seemed a bit better. This photo shows the complexities of the final steep slope near Gilhooey Tower which would have been an additional challenge had we had the time:
You can see all my photos from the trip at: