Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Mount Pilchuck/East Ridge

Scramble date 10/3. Started at 8:30am , back to cars by 7:15 pm. Group total: 7, (4 late cancellations). Unfortunately, weather was lousy contrary to forecast, raining from noon on. Strong, competent party, scrambled well on often slippery ground, appreciated beautiful scenery even with limited views. Students used rope (solid rock anchor) on descend on a ~ 10 ft steep, wet rock section with poor holds. 5-1/2 hrs to summit, 5 hrs for descend. Time and S-level for this scramble should not be underestimated due to long scramble portion relative to total distance; earlier starting time recommended in late season. On reaching summit, one scrambler had developed cramps, he, accompanied by a volunteer (student) descended via hikers' trail to Pilchuck TH, then further via Pilchuck road to intersection with WA 92. Cars arrived there after ~20 min wait. Overall, this was a good scramble experience in unfavorable weather and often slippery ground.