Trip Report
Mount Ellinor Winter
Challenging winter attempt
- Fri, Dec 16, 2016
- Mount Ellinor & Mount Washington
- Scrambling
- Turned Around
- Snow and ice on road
Parked Cindie’s Subura crossover w/ studded tires at at Skinwood creek, 1860’ . Good parking and place to turn around. Approx. 10" of snow. Last place to turn around intersection w/ road 2464 at 1950’. Beyond that you will be backing out, saw 2 cars in the ditch who tried that.
Left the car at 8am , 1860’snow shoe up road to lower trailhead, 9am 2600’. Start up trail, following those before us. At 10:15, 3500’ started breaking trail.
12:15 4400’ 200cm (6.5) snow depth 5 distict layers. Hoar frost on surface, sparkling like diamonds. Very dry light fluffy snow on top 4”. Snow shoe sinking to about 6”-12” plus. Blue sky good views, fog rolling in and out during day. Magical wonderland no sign of other people tracks.
Kicked steps, broke trail up chute to 5100” hit turn around time, started decent at 1:30. Deep snow very slow glissade except for 1 50’ section of firm snow (no snowshoe break thru) at about 5000’ Plunge stepping some sections of steep chute in knee to thigh deep snow.
Back to car at dark 4:45. Gave young woman a ride out who’s car was in the ditch.
Not sure how safe the chute is this time of year. Avy rating moderate above tree line, low below tree line today. I would not do it in considerable conditions. Small amount of debris in chute. Felt safe doing it, looking back maybe not the best place to be, quite the terrain trap. Expect the top 900' to be more challenging. Would need Head lamps in and out on road for a succesful summit with current snow conditons .