Trip Report
McClellan Butte
- Sun, Jul 26, 2015
- McClellan Butte
- Scrambling
7/25/15 With 60% chance of showers doing it's thing at the TH our group of 8 kicked off at 08:30. The rain eased up at 4000' and stopped by 4700'. We made the base of the scramble in just over 2 hours. Changed into dry clothes and assessed the rock. The rock was almost completely dry with only a few spots of pooling and the decision to summit was made. All 8 made the cloudy summit, took a few summit pictures and then opted to return to the base of the scramble for lunch before it started raining again. Rock was completely dry by then and no hand line was needed. It never did start raining again and we had a nice dry return trip back to the TH, no issues. This was a motivated and fun group to scramble with.