Trip Report
Little Tahoma/East Shoulder
C2C Ski trip to Little Tahoma. Fairly straight forward climb, great ski day.
- Sun, Jun 21, 2020
- Little Tahoma/East Shoulder
- Backcountry Skiing
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
C2C climb of Little Tahoma. Left TH at 3:30am, consistent snow on trail starting at about 5000ft. Not many crevasses open on both Fryingpan and Whitman glaciers. We didn't use crampons, but on the upper Whitman would've been nice as the snow is not very deep, and some of the steps kicked the naked glacier. Summited at 12:30pm. Whitman and Fryingpan are very skiable. Snowfield coming down from Meany Crest is very grabby and sheds wet loose. There's an annoying crevasse opening up coming skiers left from Meany Crest, care needed. Back at the car 4:15pm.