Trip Report
Intermediate Snowshoe - Mount Washington (Snoqualmie, winter)
Low expectations, high rewards
- Mon, Jan 20, 2020
- Intermediate Snowshoe - Mount Washington (Snoqualmie, winter)
- Mount Washington (Snoqualmie)
- Snowshoeing
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
Main trail up Washington was fine; we used microspikes and then snowshoes. Broke trail all the way down the Great Wall trail, until it connected back with the main trail. Stream crossings not a issue. Good snow coverage.
We were mentally prepared for a rainy day and socked-in, mediocre mountains and instead got a gorgeous day, with sunshine and nice views in all directions. Our group of 6 hardy snowshoers left the trailhead at 7:45 in daylight (loving these longer days!). Put on microspikes partway up the main trail, then eventually snowshoes when we started postholing on the broken trail. Good snow coverage today as we neared the summit of Washington:
We had also been expecting winds and strong gusts, but instead the summit was calm and sunny and we enjoyed a leisurely lunch on the ridge.
After a short discussion, the group decided to attempt the Great Wall loop, or at least take a look and decide depending on snow conditions. We found tracks for a few hundred feet, but then broke trail for the rest of way. Fortunately, the snow was perfect - we did not sink in too deep, and the forest roads were wide and gentle.
At the base of the Change Peak spur, we used Tom Unger's decision-making tools: three party members decided to attempt the peak, while the other three stayed at the base of the spur and enjoyed another sunny break. Conditions were perfect, and the three summit-seekers returned within half an hour.
Took the usual forest roads and trails down, and enjoyed finally encountering what must be "the great wall," a wall of rock just above the trail.
Back at the cars at 4pm. 10.2 miles, ~3,300ft. Great day out with a fun team! PC: Emma + team.