Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Ingalls Peak/South Ridge

Easy climb on Ingalls South Ridge. Lake still frozen but snow melting fast.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • For some reason none of the usual fast food joints open until 6am anymore. Waited a bit in Cle Elum for breakfast. Road is long and full of potholes, but not too bad. Snow is present after Ingalls' Pass but melting fast. Lots of sun, lots of postholing.

  • Left Seattle: 0415
  • Left TH: 0745
  • Base of climb: 1045
  • Start climb: 1115
  • Summit: 1400
  • Back at base: 1500
  • Back at car: 1730

The approach wasn't too bad. The snow is mostly melted out by now before the pass which is quite early from what I've heard. Weather was great and we didn't see anyone until we were 2 pitches up.


We scrambled up to the first small shelf to begin the pitch. Kari led to the second anchor slung around a boulder.


I led the 5.6(?) variation up the middle crack to the rappel anchors. Kari led the last pitch to the bolted anchor. Lots of ladybugs at the summit. 


We rappelled down as the other parties came up.  There were 4 more after us. 

The climbing was good, but the soft snow made for an annoying hike out. Will wait for it to melt next time. Congratulations to Kari on her first multipitch!