Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Hawkins Mountain

Very quick and enjoyable scramble. Perfect, clear fall day.

  • Mon, Nov 19, 2018
  • Hawkins Mountain
  • Scrambling
  • Successful
  • Road rough but passable
  • Road to TH and beyond to Quarry was snow free.  Some thin snow higher on ridge, but becomes constant at approx 5000ft.

    Temps ranged from 21F at 8am to about 50F midday.


From the Salmon La Sac turnoff onto Rd4330, it is exactly 5 mile to Rd 138 where we took a right, then the next right onto the spur rd which terminates at a small quarry.  Rd is fine, but not for low clearance.
From there, we walked aprox 1/2 mile on the ATV trail until we spotted a faint path and followed it up the ridge.  One could easily head up at any point to gain the ridge as it's simply open forest.
Once past the rocky knoll, we found another path and chased it up the ridge until things open up.  This portion is rather long, but like the entire route, no difficulties.
Hard snow all the way up to the false summit was fun, but much easier with micro spikes.  The false summit affords and nice ridge run then a quick hike to the summit where we hung out for almost 1.5 hrs.

Total trip time was 7hrs.
Time up 4 hrs
1.5 on summit
1.5 down.

Ice axe and micro spikes were nice to have.  Not enough snow coverage for snowshoes.