Trip Report
Gobblers Knob
Don't wear trailrunners if you don't want to get wet feet!
- Sat, Jun 26, 2021
- Gobblers Knob
- Day Hiking
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
Westside Road free of snow, bring bikes for the 4 mile road approach (closed to vehicles due to geological hazards). Don't forget a bikelock and a spare tube/pump! Snow starting at Lake George and continuing to just below the summit.
Biked and Hiked from the Westside Road Route. Biked to TH (partner got a flat 1/2 mi from TH, luckily we brought spare tubes!), no snow until Lake George, about 1 mile in. Trail intermittently bare between snow, so was a little difficult to follow, relying on GPS and terrain features to navigate. Right before the turnoff to the Knob, there's a huge blowdown across the trail, forcing an ascent that can cut a few switchbacks upslope to go around. Booted up some steep snow slopes when we couldn't find the trail, but otherwise, uneventful. Saw a few people on the way, some of whom were lost, wearing sneakers, jean shorts and carrying a waterbottle, asking us where Gobbler's Knob was. We gave them advice and they turned around. From base of rock below the lookout was clear of snow. Wouldn't do in trailrunners now, too wet and snowy. Brought axe and crampons, only used our poles, saw the only other person who summitted with snowshoes (he didn't use them either). We were better at trailfinding on the way down, and the lake is absolutely stunning. Would love to bike in and just lazily camp here someday!