Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Field Trip 1 - Seattle Naturalists Intro Natural World Course - Bridle Trails State Park

Our trip to Bridle trails to see early Spring vascular plants was a great success. The weather was fantastic and all of the students were steadily practicing their use of the recommended apps and generally have a good time!

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The park was hosting a Horse Show so the parking was limited but there was plenty of street parking.

For my first plant walk for the Mountaineers, I think we all had a great time. The weather was on our side 100% at about 68 degrees and sunny. We didn't get to see any Bleeding Heart, wood fern or a few others that are historically about, but we did see a BUNCH of things that folks were excited about, including some exciters; Enchanters nightshade, Pathfinder plant and Cascara.