Trip Report
Families Backpack - Greenwater Lakes
Family Beginner Backpack for 9 kids and their families to Greenwater Lakes
- Fri, Jul 22, 2022 — Sun, Jul 24, 2022
- Backpack - Greenwater, Echo & Lost Lakes
- Greenwater, Echo & Lost Lakes
- Backpacking & Family
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
The worst of the roads right now is highway 410 east starting at Greenwater due to a paving project. Forest Service road was great and trail to Greenwater Lakes is in good shape aside from one bridge that is broken (though passable) at Greenwater Lake.
Two of our families met on Friday night and the other two on Saturday morning. The hike from the trailhead to the Greenwater Lakes took us less than an hour despite breaks for the kids. Once at the lake, we were able to find a good set of campsites for our families on the east side of the first Greenwater Lake.
The two families that arrived Saturday morning were able to find us without any problems and they set up their campsites. Saturday was filled with swimming, playing, exploring the upper lake, and smores around our campfire.
We hiked back out on Sunday morning and arrived at our cars around 1130. We had beautiful weather for the entire trip.
A Friday arrival is definitely recommended as there were quite a few other parties that came in after us on Friday and into Saturday.