Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Ebey Slough (Marysville)

  • Tue, Jun 16, 2015
  • Ebey Slough
  • Sea Kayaking

Trip started at the Marysville boat-ramp and paddled the Ebey Slough staying on the north side of the center of the channel then rounded Priest Point. Traveled approximately 4 KM from the starting point. Travel was slow at approximately 2-2.2 KM due to in-coming low tide and head-winds. Wild life viewed included seals, ospreys, king fishers, sea gulls, eagles, cormorants, gray herons and crabs. Stopped for lunch at the invite of a Priest Point resident’s ramp/sand beach. (There is no public access until Tulip Bay boat launch – that we are aware of to date.) Used in-coming high tide on the trip back and went past then back to the Marysville boat launch to allow students their required four hours on the water.