Trip Report
Dixie (Peak 4,606)
- Mon, Nov 30, 2015
- Dixie Peak
- Scrambling
This was originally a scramble of Green mt. Due to road closure we attempted Green via Teneriff. The approach was via the road due to the icy conditions and a report the previous week of dicey conditions on the upper kamikaze trail. The traverse to Green from Teneriff proved to be not doable due to cliff bands on the ridge and we scrambled Dixie instead before heading back to the cars via the road. It was interesting to note that someone has created a new trail from the saddle between Teneriff and Dixie in both directions to both peaks. For Dixie, at the saddle ascend the shoulder to the west and you will immediately come across a wide trail that hugs the ridge crest. This goes very clearly to the sub summit south of Dixie and then peters out. However, it was easy to follow the ridge crest from there to Dixie and a boot path faded in and out for much of this 1/4 mile traverse to Dixie's summit.