Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Day Hike - West Tiger Mountain 1, 2 & 3

A quick trip to each of the three West Tiger summits on a day with a questionable forecast. We all completed and stayed dry!

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The route was in good condition with some muddy spots.  Mostly we traveled quickly through the exposed windy areas and rested in sheltered spots. 

The forecast showed an 80% chance of rain, mostly after 1pm with gusts of wind up to 23 mph.  We stayed dry, but the wind on the summit of West Tiger 3 especially was bitter.  We all had hats, gloves and rain gear which helped block the wind, however, I had numb fingers for a bit.  No snow on the route, mostly good trails and a little bit of road hiking.

The recent logging has left these summits much less attractive than they were before, they are now bald and ugly.  However, as I mentioned to one of the people on the trip, if this wasn't timberland, it would likely be a subdivision full of houses and totally inaccessible to us as hikers.

A pleasant day with a group that traveled well together.