
Trip Report    

Day Hike - Teneriffe Falls

A lovely sunny day hike to Teneriffe Falls.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • This route has an uneven rocky climb that may be challenging to some hikers especially if rain or snow conditions existed.  Our group did well with a 'moderate' challenge rating but we did take the switchback portion of the route carefully and slowly.  

We met at the paved and well marked parking lot at 8:30 AM.  After introductions and a review of the hike ahead, we began the hike closer to 9 AM.  This parking lot requires a Discover Pass which can also be purchased online if needed at trailhead. 

The weather for the day was cold with clear sunny skies so everyone was anxious to get moving to keep warm.  

The trail has 2 intersections that are well marked.  We regrouped at each intersection and at the base of the switchbacks.  Trekking poles were very helpful for this 3/4 mile section even on a dry day. I would recommend trekking poles for any day where snow or rain may be encountered regardless of skill.  

The group approached the falls in smaller groups due to the limited space at the overlook on the end of the trail.  The Falls had water running for our hike making for a payoff for everyone as many of the team members were visiting this location for the first time.  After pictures and a short visit, we turned back to head down the trail to one of the switch back ends with a rocky area overlook of the North Bend area for a food/rest break.  

A great hike with a wonderful group of folks!  

After a ~30 minute break to eat and rest, we regrouped and retraced our steps to the trailhead with regrouping as needed to account for the variety of hiking speed for the group.  

