
Trip Report    

Day Hike - Squak Mountain: May Valley Access

Three peaks loop - west, central and rarely visited southeast peak with a side trip to Debbie's View along a mostly forested route.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Good  tread. Sturdy bridges over Phil's Creek. Well-marked trails with many interconnecting loops. 

Cool forest hike on unseasonably hot day with sightings of four bald eagles flying the thermals  and red-breasted sapsucker at Debbie's view. In the forest, we spotted a black-tailed deer, western toads, and centipedes, but no porcupine above Phil's creek which leader spotted in May. 


Eleven of us hiked 2000' gain in 10 miles to tag the three low elevation peaks and swung by Debbie's View and Bullitt fireplace. Naturalists among the group helped with flower identification. 

Happy group at the  unmarked  southeast peak


Root beer floats were imbibed at XXX Root Beer in Issaquah. With the heat, we drank every drop. 


Large parking lot for  at least 20 cars. Discover Pass required and can be purchased in parking lot. Use address 21500 May Valley Road to find May Valley Access. Park opens at 6:30 AM  (8 AM in winter) even though lot sign indicates 8 AM.