
Trip Report    

Day Hike - Squak Mountain/Bullitt Fireplace

Perfect weather for an evening hike and dinner at the Bullitt fireplace.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • We chose the trailhead on Mountainside Drive. The Eastside trail has quite a bit of blowdown and a  section of trail is washed out. The rest of the trails were fine, just muddy due to recent rain.

A warm evening with clear skies for  our hike - quite nice! We made a lollipop loop going up the Eastside trail, Phils Creek and Old Griz. The forest was beautiful with peekaboo views of Lake Sammamish. The trees at Central Peak have really grown and there isn't much of a view  there anymore.  We had dinner at the fireplace, then hiked down the Bullitt Access trail. 

Bleeding heart and  Flowering red currant are now blooming.