![20200802135155_IMG_3256[1].JPG 20200802135155_IMG_3256[1].JPG](https://www.mountaineers.org/activities/routes-places/pacific-crest-trail-routes/snowgrass-flat-goat-lake-basin/images/20200802135155_img_3256-1.jpg/@@images/1f7ffb59-c74b-4e17-81c9-fc92d584f475.jpeg)
Trip Report
Day Hike - Snowgrass Flat
The group decided to go farther up to the junction with the PCT, then south to trail 97 to loop back to the main trail which added another 2.1 miles and 800 ft. of elevation. It was well worth it for the wildflowers.
- Sun, Aug 2, 2020
- Day Hike - Snowgrass Flat
- Snowgrass Flat & Goat Lake Basin
- Day Hiking
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles