Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Day Hike - Snoquera Palisades

This hike offers a solid climb for conditioning and so much more. Two water falls, three water crossings and a stellar view of the White River valley and that was just the first two miles.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • There is still snow on the final bridge to the third viewpoint so trekking poles are recommended.  The rest of the trail is in good shape with a couple downed trees to clamber over.

The group met and got organized at the picnic area in the Dalles campground before caravanning to the trailhead.  It was convenient to have a restroom and much more pleasant than waiting on the side of the highway. The trillium are just about over but we found many lady slipper orchids near the lower waterfall.  Mt Rainier was a little shy and mostly hid in the clouds but it was still a great day.