Trip Report
Day Hike - Mount Washington (Snoqualmie)
Successful hike on a mild day on snow-packed trail with very capable group.
- Fri, May 19, 2017
- Day Hike - Mount Washington (Snoqualmie)
- Mount Washington (Snoqualmie)
- Day Hiking
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
3-4 feet of packed snow starting at 3250'. No avalanche danger noted, despite apparent recent 6-8 inch snowfall that was now bonded and compressed. Softening, slushy snow in parts and lots of water flowing from the creeks. No problem finding the trail . Views to Rainier base, Glacier Peak, McClellan Butte, Puget Sound, Si, Middle Fork Peaks., though clouds seemed to be gathering as we left.
Western Trilliums and Scouler's Corydalis at peak bloom. Heard Townsend's Warbler and Varied Thrush.
Departed from trailhead 9:37AM, attained summit 12:50PM, back at cars at 3:55PM.