Trip Report
Day Hike - Mount Si Main Trail
Planned time trial for basic climbing students. Wet weather and thunderstorms meant we turned around to come another day
- Tue, May 8, 2018
- Day Hike - Mount Si Main Trail
- Mount Si Main Trail
- Day Hiking
- Turned Around
- Road suitable for all vehicles
We took the main trail up, trail in great condition. With rain, the rocks were a little slippery with slush coated on them from fellow hikers running through the trail.
We got rained on 20 minutes into the hike, and heard thunder 40 minutes into the hike. Turned around and hiked out in wet trail
Good group of hikers. The forecast for weather was always in the cards. One of the participants turned around 15 minutes into the trail as we started receivng rain.
Group was two paced, with the fast paced group, led by a designated assistant leader and the leader resorted to sweeping from behind. 40 minutes into the trail, we saw lightning and we had a quick discussion. Everyone voiced their opinions and we made a group call to turn around.
Safety first, fun next, summit last!!