
Trip Report    

Day Hike - Mount Rose

Nice quiet June day on 'ol Rosie.

  • Road rough but passable
  • The last unpaved half mile to the trailhead has developed several potholes, some pretty deep but easy to get around.

We hit snow at about 3,520' and there is still a lot, about 3 to 4 feet based on some tree well depths and holes. It was gritty and a little soft on top with a visible icy layer in many spots. There is sort of a boot path in the snow, but a GPS track was helpful because the boot steps disappear or go off in the wrong direction in several places. Micro-spikes were very helpful. The snow is completely gone through the burned area and at the summit. As temps get warmer, the chances of punching through the snow will increase.

We went up and down the left side from Horse Camp and my Gaia gps logged 5.9 miles rt with 3,500' gain. The weather was perfect, not too hot or too cold, and zero rain!  Also, we saw only 3 other people the whole time. A good hike and a good workout with good company.


Mt. Elinor:




There was hard ice on this log:
