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Trip Report    

Day Hike - Mount Rose

Turned out to be a beautiful day above the clouds!

  • Road rough but passable
  • The unpaved mile to the trailhead has several potholes, but is not as bad as it was three weeks ago. The trail is in great condition. About 2 inches of snow on the upper trail to the summit, but it was easy to follow all along the lollipop loop clockwise. The only minor problem was the first stream crossing on the descent where the skinny logs were very slick. But we crossed successfully a few feet lower with awesome teamwork!

    My Gaia gps recorded 6 miles rt/3,500 gain, 4:16 moving time and 1:15 stop time for breaks/photos/ lunch. It was a very enjoyable day out with Mountaineer friends!


    Where's Jerry??



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