
Trip Report    

Day Hike - Mount Margaret via Norway Pass

This is a spectacular hike very deserving of its inclusion on Washington's 100 classic hikes.

  • Road rough but passable
  • Trail is in great shape. We had a few easy snow crossings and found a few spots with trickling water.

I followed Barbara Folmer's advice and took paved road NF-99 and then only 1 mile on 26. The roads, even though paved, are still very rough in spots. Anything with more clearance than a sports car can make it though.

I logged 11.86 miles with 3,186 ft of ascent on a Garmin GPSMap 66i. We took seven hours to hike this with a long stop on Margaret to enjoy the scenery. Temps in the 50s F. No bugs which was a nice surprise. A couple small snow fields which were easy to cross. A couple spots along the trail had a trickle of running water including near Bear Camp.

This hike is included on 100 Classic Hikes in Washington 3rd Edition and wow, did it not disappoint. This is a spectacular hike well worth the very long drive.

The views really open up once you gain Norway Pass.

View of Mount St. Helens and Spirit Lake from Norway Pass . Hundreds of thousands of logs are still floating in Spirit Lake from the 1980 eruption.20210721_110208_320x240.jpg

Random pic from trail. So green.20210721_125408_240x320.jpg

Final optional summit block. 20210721_134101_240x320.jpg

View of Mount Margaret from the back side. 20210721_140030_320x240.jpg