Trip Report
Day Hike - Mount Erie via Sugarloaf
An interesting trip with beautiful woods and great views.
- Sun, May 26, 2019
- Day Hike - Mount Erie via Sugarloaf
- Mount Erie, Sugerloaf, Heart Lake & Whistle Lake
- Day Hiking
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
Tread was wet from earlier rain. Trail to backside of Mt. Erie as some rock and muiddy sections that are very slippery when wet.
This trip was scheduled for a weekend because weekday trips up here have low attendance because of traffic. A very nice and social party of 7. Lots (for this area) of other hikers, particularily familes. Hiked Sugarloaf first, then hiked down to the Mt. Erie Rd. and walked the shoulder a short distance to the Mt. Erie Trail. Trail was in good condition except for normal slippery sections due to recent rain. Summit was busy with lots of parked cars. Had lunch on top of the south cliffs. Then checked out the east and north view points. Returned on the Mt. Erie Trail and then looped around the north side of Sugarloaf. Stats were: 1,480', 6.5 miles and 5.25 hours at a social pace.