Mailbox summit1.jpg

Trip Report    

Day Hike - Mailbox Peak

Excellent day on a favorite peak!

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • We ascended the old trail which was in its usual rooty, rocky, muddy, fun condition. Snow started before the junction, and we eventually opted to don microspikes since it was fairly slick. The upper rocks started out partially snow covered and ultimately we ended up in all snow that appeared a few feet deep. Six plus inches covered old snow, and it was all softening up from above freezing temps. This made for some slippery travel even with spikes. Several deep holes were beginning to appear - something to watch out for in the coming days.

    Heading up above the junction:


    We descended the new trail on lots of deep snow, but it was well tracked. Microspikes were extremely helpful since it was also slippery there:


The gate was closed when we arrived, but it was opened a few minutes later at 7:30 so we were able to park in the main lot. Bathrooms were okay and well stocked. We started out in a light drizzle and got a little wet mainly from those darn tree drips. Our pace was 1,000' feet per hour, and we took only two or three five minute breaks. Despite the rough wet trail, snow conditions, and heavy packs, we made good time, had fun, and it was great conditioning with no pressure.

Blue sky began to appear when we reached the top. It wasn't cold or windy, so we relaxed, chatted, snacked, and took photos for almost an hour!





Another group of three enjoying the view with us!
