Trip Report
Day Hike - Mailbox Peak
A close to fine day for a stroll to the Mailbox!
- Wed, Jun 15, 2022
- Day Hike - Mailbox Peak
- Mailbox Peak
- Day Hiking
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
We three ascended the Old trail, which was in its usual condition. Then we descended the New trail, which was in excellent condition - a minor tree to step over and no snow anywhere on the entire round trip. Some mushy mud spots on the lower stretches.
Got to the trailhead just before 8:00 under a cloudy sky. A few other cars, but not full and the bathroom was relatively clean with lots of tp. Very few other folks heading up the Old trail and a few others coming down that way. We met a school chaperone at the Old/New junction, and she told us we had missed a huge group of 55 high school students from Tacoma who had summited early morning. A few were still working their way down and she was making sure they took the right trail. What a great accomplishment for them!
Only four or five people were on the summit when we arrived. It was a little windy and chilly, but we layered up and stayed for about a half hour to take photos and have a bite. Some folks still headed up early afternoon as we descended the New trail, but it never felt crowded. 8 miles round trip, 3,900' elevation gain. Total time was 7:15 including lunch and several short breaks. All in all, a very nice day out getting a good workout!