
Trip Report    

Day Hike - Lena Lake

This Day Hike to Lena Lake was for the Olympia Branch CHS course. The day started off sunny at 8:30 but ended up cloudy with light rain by the time we finished. As always the lake was beautiful, especially with fresh snow on some of the mountains around the lake.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The trail was as wet as I've ever seen it - we were walking through water coming down/over the trail even in the lower part of the hike.  The water was never over boot height, but I was glad for my waterproof boots.  We observed a WTA work party sign at the trail head and encountered 5 volunteers working on the trail between the second bridge and the lake.  

We met at the trailhead at 8:30 on a Friday with many parking spaces still available.  Toilets were in decent shape and both had TP.  Interestingly enough, I led this hike in March and my records show the forecast for that day in March was better than the forecast for this hike in May!  The last time I hiked this trail a few weeks ago there were Trillium and Trout Lilly in full bloom.   The Trout Lilly are done; Trillium on the way out.  Bleeding Heart were probably the most prominent flower today with a few Calypso along the trail (keep your eyes open - they are pretty small!) with many other types of flowers on the verge of being in bloom.  We had the lunch rock all to ourselves and only encountered a few other hikers on the trail both on the way up and down.  This was the first time many of the hike participants had hiked this trail and they came away pretty impressed with the trail, the bridges, and the lake.  IMG_2636.JPG