
Trip Report    

Day Hike - Lake Ingalls

A beautiful day for a hike to Lake Ingalls to see the larches. Many are golden now and more are starting to turn.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The trail is in excellent condition. I had forgotten that for a hiker the last part before the lake is a bit of a scramble. I had a strong group, but should mention it in future postings as it would be a bit much for some.

We went on a Friday to avoid the Larch March crowds. There were other hikers, but not too many at all.  The parking lot was full before 9 AM. A weekend group should plan to get there much earlier. The road was in pretty  good condition, I would guess it had been graded this year.

Larch color ranges from chartreuse to brown with needles dropping and shades of gold in between. There should still be good color for another week. Last picture below shows some contrast.

Mountaine framed by golden larches

Larch trees. One gold, one chartreuse