Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Day Hike - Fragrance Lake Loop

A good trip. Perfect hiking temps, few other hikers, tread excellent and no bugs.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Excellent tread.  WTA work parties had done a lot of work on the Two Dollar Trail and Interurban Trail had new rolled gravel done this spring.

Parked at  Lost Lake trailhead - paved with facilities and a very safe place to leave a car.  Requires a Discover Pass.  Hiked the Interurban .3 miles and turned right onto the Fragrance Lake trail.  Took side trip to the overlook of the islands.  Circled Fragrance Lake and then retunred back to a user trail that took us to the high point above the Lake.  Ate lunch.  Continued on the user trail to where it intersects the Two Dollar trail and followed it to the Cleator Rd.  Turned left and walked .8 miles to the Interurban trail and walked south back to the Lost Lake Trailhead.

A good group and a nice day.  These trails can be veryyyyy crowded, but on this midweek trip we met only a few other hikers.