Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Day Hike - Dirty Harrys Museum

Great group, great day and lots of fun!

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Trail is in great condition. WTA and the DNR have done a lot of work here. The drainage area was muddy, but no problem.

We were treated to a mostly sunny day with mist moving in and out. We stopped at the two largest balconies for the views. We saw a new birdhouse and many mushrooms. It was only 10:30 when we were ready to leave the last balcony. The group was up for more so we went on to Dirty Harry's Museum and had fun exploring. We met a couple who turned back from the peak saying there was too much snow up there. The snow only really started at the elevation of the museum.

Hiking group

Hikers in old truck