Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Day Hike - Deception Pass State Park

Pass Lake, Bowman Bay and Goose Rock

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Started at Pass Lake which is in forest, no views, but is still interesting. Trail across the road nearly hidden goes down to Bowman Bay - we walked all the trails and looped all the points. At Lottie Point, we encountered some exposure (couldn't tell if we were on the official trail at that point) and we managed to stay safe while feeling like we had an adventure. Up on the highway, walked across the bridge and on to Goose Rock, walking the Perimeter Trail, then the Summit Trail which read: .8 miles, 30 minutes - we made it in 17 minutes, but who's counting? 

    It was a beautiful day in sunshine and relative warmth, an enthusiastic group who didn't mind that their leader couldn't add all the mileage properly and ended up with 11 instead of 9 miles.