Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Day Hike - Dash Point State Park

Great hike to condition yourself for backpacking.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The trail is maintained and it's just a dirt path.  Because there are plenty of trees there are also plenty of tree roots.  There are a few steep climbs but they are short lived.  There are also some steps to go up and some steep descends (also very short lived).

    If you have issues with your ankles or knees this might not be the best trail for you.  However, if you take your time and bring some poles with you then you shouldn't have any issues. Any of the times we crossed a stream there was a small bridge.

Terry is  a fantastic leader and is always making sure no one is left behind.  He is very good at explaining the route we are taking and making sure everyone knows everyone else in the group.

I hiked it using a full pack with 25Lbs and it was a wonderful workout to be sure.  The way Terry took us we probably did 6 miles.  It is hard to judge since different apps/devices varied from 5 miles to 6 miles.

I had never been to Dashpoint but it is a wonderful spot to go hiking, running or just to enjoy the beach and have a picnic.  The trail is popular enough that most people would be safe.