Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Day Hike - Crystal Lakes (Mount Rainier

Wildflowers in full bloom, Pika & Marmots at lunch spot. Many switchbacks but all in the shaded forest.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Parking not well marked.

    36 miles from Enumclaw Ranger Station, 4 miles from Park Boundry, just after mile marker 61 parking is on left & right sides. Arrive before 8am for parking.

Steep switchbacks on the way up as you leave the forest the trail straightens out and the wildflowers begin. Pit toilets available at Lower Crystal & Upper Crystal Lake campgrounds. Good lunch spot at rock outcropping directly across the lake as you arrive at Upper Lake. Follow the trail to the left to get to rock outcropping. Return the way you came or attempt to circumvent the upper lake which is possible but requires searching for a safe route between the rock outcropping and the lakeside trail.