Trip Report
Day Hike - Cedar Butte (Olallie State Park)
glorious day for a quick day trip and an exciting adventure!
- Wed, Apr 6, 2022
- Day Hike - Cedar Butte (Olallie State Park)
- Cedar Butte (Olallie State Park)
- Day Hiking
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
Started rather a bit chilly, but we warmed up quickly when going up the Cedar Butte trail from the old railroad bed (Palouse to Cascade trail).. We were in forest all the way, pausing briefly at the Boxely Blowout overview. We continued up to the summit of Cedar Butte, had lunch and started back down. Once back upon the Palouse to Cascade trail, we walked back to the bridge over Boxely creek, then took a boot path down to Christmas Lake, eventually returning to our cars via the Snoqualmie Valley trail. A good time was had by all.