Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Day Hike - Capitol Peak

Trail goes through forest, clear cuts and re growth. Top is a road with cell towers. You cross some roads and hear target practice.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • This is a close in trail that has some gravel roads most cars can navigate. Minimal parking where we started, enough for 2-3 cars max. Parts of the trail can be muddy and slick. Top had some snow, micro spikes not needed. Definitely dress in layers, would be easy to get wet and chilled near top if windy. I recommend hiking poles for some slippery areas. Generally footing is better than most trails. 

    On our way down the Sun started to break through. Got a good view of Fuzzy top.

    Anyday hiking is a good day! 

last push to Capitol peak Feb 2020.jpg

Roughly 8 miles there and back. Gaia had us at about 2,000. feet elevation gain.