Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Day Hike - Camano Island State Park Loop Trail

3.2-mile gentle hike in this 244-acre state park on Camano Island. On this loop trail, there are views, a forest walk, birds and beach combing if you time your hike with the tide.

  • Sat, Mar 27, 2021
  • Day Hiking
  • Successful
  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • We parked and started from the North Day Use Parking lot (at the stop sign after you enter the park, turn right and go down the hill.) Walk up the hill from the lot and pick up the trail at the top of the hill. The North Rim of the Loop Trail follows along the top of the bluff and gradually descends down toward the beach. We turned north again and walked on the Marsh Trail, which features a long marshy area between the trail and the beach parking lot. The trail comes out at the boat launch and with the tide on it's way out enjoyed wandering along the beach, where two seals were swimming by. The Canyon Trail is closed due to a land slide and downed trees, so we back tracked up a short leg of the Marsh and North Rim sections and then turned right toward the group camp. Follow the trail markings for Loop Trail through the camp and along the road and resume the loop on the South Rim at the top of the hill to the beach day use area. A lot of trees had come down here with the winter wind storms and today they were working to clear some of the trees away. The South Rim is again a bluff with lots of viewing areas and today several immature Eagles flying over head and perched in the trees. It was cloudy and views beyond Whidbey Island and Rainier to the south were obscured. Today the trail had several muddy sections after rain earlier in the week.

    We encountered very few other hikers and they were all wearing masks and we were able to maintain social distancing.

The North Day Use Parking Lot: At the stop sign right after you enter the park, turn right and drive down the hill. There is a restroom here.

The Map: We use the Camano Island State Park map we found on their website. It does not give you the trail names but does show the Loop Trail. They don't name the trail sections as they do on the trail markers and on an earlier trip we figured out that the Canyon Trail that they said was closed on the Website is part of the Loop Trail. You have two options, back track as we did and travel through the Group Camp or walk up the hill from the beach and Pick up the South Rim at the top of the hill. The detour made the trip 3.2 miles, with an elevation of gain of 709 feet.

Restrooms are plentiful: North Day Use Parking Area, Beach Area and in the Group Camp.

Discover Pass is required.

This was a GoHike pacing hike. Our group of beginner hikers average a 2 mph pace, but with breaks our travel time was two hours.