Trip Report
Davis Peak
Great hike. Fantastic views.
- Mon, Jul 18, 2016
- Davis Peak
- Day Hiking
- Successful
- Road rough but passable
Encountered several blow downs across the trail, mostly in the last 2 miles.
Started hiking at 7:30 AM. Reached Davis Peak at 11:30 AM. Brief stay at the top due to deteriorating weather conditions. A climber's path at the 5800' contour confused two hikers I met. The climber's path goes left to Pt. 5988. The main trail continues straight ahead. They were confused because the main trail descended into the upper basin. I explained to them that the Forest Service places branches across side trails to discourage hikers from hiking off-trail. Returned to the parking lot at 4:00 PM. Weather was mostly sunny, mild. Started sprinkling when I arrived at the parking lot. Round trip time 8.5 hours.