Trip Report
Cross-country Ski - Nason Ridge
Great snow conditions on a very satisfying loop groomed ski trail.
- Sat, Mar 2, 2019
- Cross-country Ski - Nason Ridge
- Nason Ridge
- Cross-country Skiing
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
Great quality grooming on a Saturday morning, thanks to the State Park staff!
Statistics for the Lower/ Upper Nason lollipop loop, done in a clockwise direction:: 16.5 miles, with 2100' of gain/ loss.
Narrative: Fresh grooming and a hint of new snow on top made for super fun ski conditions on this great loop. Starting from the Nason Ridge/ Kahler Glen SnoPark (groomed sticker required), the trail heads south and then west, skirting the Kahler Glen development. This first stretch has some steep ups and downs, but is just a taste of what is ahead. It shortly joins what is termed Lower Nason. Lower Nason has some gentle ups and downs, passes under the powerlines twice, and then intersects what I consider the Down run off the ridge. Heading further, we get to the second, or the Up run to the ridge. This is where one puts it into low gear and cranks out about 3km of climbing. Views may have opened up more widely, but clouds obscured the more distant ones today. Eventually, we arrived at the ridge top, where the non-groomed snowshoe route connects up. The groomed route heads more directly east on the ridge, with still some ups and downs. We did the additional short loop on top for a gentle ski. (This would be a great place to construct a shelter...) From this junction, it is first some gentle downhill. Then the route shifts to the west direction and the south side of the ridge. This is where snowplow skills are needed, but good grooming and snow quality made this part simply fun. Eventually, back on Lower Nason, it was time to get back into kick and glide mode, and get back to Kahler Glen. As advertised, the day was both long and satisfying. A really fun Nordic ski destination!