Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Crag Rock Climb - Vantage (Frenchman Coulee)

We participated in a one day crag climb at Frenchman Coulee (Vantage). We climbed the "Feathers" with individuals feeling comfortable with leading bolted routes. We set up top ropes for challenging routes with all climbers eager to attempt.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • I was very pleased with the day.  It was a little cold in the morning starting on the far northwest side of the Feathers and our fingers and toes struggle a little bit while finding the holds.  We found an ideal area with several routes rated in the low 5.0  so we were able to stay together and share the anchors. The participants have done rock gym climbing but did not have a lot of actual rock climbing  experience and this area provided and opportunity for confidence; they felt comfortable to lead these routes.

    The group bonded well and we enjoyed each others company.  We progressed to the south side of the Feathers and appreciated the heat of the sun and began shedding our extra layers.  I was impressed with the participants tenacity to tackle 5.8+ routes but were top roped for safety. We gathered our gear and headed over to the Sunshine Wall to check it out, and at the very least, get beta. The group was prepared to climb but at that point it would be pushing 3 pm for the return back to cars. We decided that we already had a full, safe day and it was a good stopping point. The Sunshine Wall must have had nearly a 100 people climbing or hanging out. It is an amazing area and the consensus is that when we return in the future we would start the day there.   --Eric E.