Trip Report    

Corral Pass Road Hwy 410 to Corral Pass

The gate to Corral Pass Rd is closed and there are many trees across the road.

  • Sun, Dec 5, 2021 — Mon, Dec 6, 2021
  • Noble Knob via Corral Pass
  • Day Hiking
  • Successful
  • Snow and ice on road
  • The road to Corral Pass is closed. There is almost enough snow to snowshoe. The pitch up the road is steep - 10%! The route is in the shade, with very few views through timber land and burnt trees. But, it is quiet and the wildlife are out and about.

Not knowing what I was getting into, I parked below the gate and strapped snowshoes to my day pack.

Snow at the base of the road is at about 1-2 inches right now. At about 3600 is started to deepen, and by 4000 ft was over my ankles.

The road was in the shade, quite a lot of it through the old fire zone. I never did get much of a view. Mostly it is just a demanding training opportunity- my math shows an average 10% grade from the bottom to my turn around at 4672, about 3.3 miles up.

At my turn around, I spotted a wildlife trail heading over the nose of the ridge and decided to check it out, hoping for a moment of sun and possibly a view. I was triply blessed- the wildlife tracks included coyote, snowshoe hare, deer and elk. Evidently they all enjoy the opportunity to look south and bask in the sun, too. ;-