Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Conditioning Hikes - West Tiger Mountain No. 3

Despite rainy/sleet/snow falling, a group of 5 new Alpine Scramble students, met at exit 20, with 2 leaders, to set off up Tiger Mountain #3 in brand new boots and bright outfits for an evening conditioner.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The route is easy to navigate . We ascended via Nook and Section Line trail. Put micro spkies on after about 5ooft elevation gain due to hard slick ice on trail.  Snowing at the top, descended via Tiger Mtn #3 trail. REmoved micro spikes 15 mins from the TH. 

A jolly crew of new and enthusiastic Alpine Scramble students met at exit 20 at 5.30pm with 2 seasoned instructors at the ready.. Prepared and geared up in new boots, new headlamps, new waterproof clothing and new backpacks. We set off in a rain and sleet mix. Chattering all the way, we hit the slick icy trail conditions after about 20 mins from the TH and put on micro spikes. Without further ado, we kept up a brisk pace to hit the summit of Tiger #3. A quick sip and a bite to munch and we turned right onto the West Tiger Trail to head down. It being chilly and damp, we did not tarry. Full trip time 3 hours. Fun was had by all despite a foreboding forecast. It was a delightful evening with great company and good information swapping.