Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Camp Muir (winter)

  • Sun, Apr 19, 2015
  • Scrambling

4/18/15 conditioner for BC and Scramble students. Gorgeous blue sky day. Chilly morning, but hardly a breeze and all nine of us got warm quickly. A bit chilly on the upper slopes, but still no wind. Snow up from Paradise was fairly firm, but good tracks and no snowshoes needed on the ascent. Icy snow in the shade and up to Pan Pt., so used crampons to get safely up to the point. Kept crampons on all the way to Muir for more secure footing, although they weren't necessary beyond Panorama Pt. Had seven students and crampons made travel easier. Snow got very soft on the descent late afternoon. Post-holing was not too bad, but several of us used snowshoes. We did not glissade up high, but most of us did a short, fast one from part way down Pan Pt. Used caution on that section, snow was very soft and slick. Was a good snow travel practice trip and a wonderful day on the mountain!